
  • Zero represents endless possibility.
  • Zero is where everything begins.
  • Zero is the future of sustainability.

Zero represents endless possibility.Zero is where everything begins.Zero is the future of sustainability.

The power
of Zero

The Big Picture

The power of Zero is undeniable

We envisioned an IoT future with zero batteries. So, we created ONiO.zero — An MCU that operates 100% on energy from its surroundings — zero coincells, zero batteries, zero supercaps, zero lithium and zero toxic waste!

Zero batteries — But still, a ton of power!
You can only imagine the impact

If all our IoT nodes and sensors are to be battery powered, the planet would just suffocate under the amount of toxic waste it would produce! Batteries have a massively detrimental impact on our environment. 15 billion primary batteries are thrown away every year, all of which end up in landfill sites. ONiO.zero based solutions cut right to the heart of this problem - by removing the battery! Mother earth just smiled!


Join our team of innovators

ONiO’s team is home to some of the brightest engineering minds in the Semiconductor world and so much more.

At the cutting edge of engineering.

ONiO’s team is home to some of the brightest engineering minds in the semiconductor industry.

When you work at ONiO, you are going to be rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest talents in the space.

Disruption guaranteed.

Have you always wanted to be a part of something truly exciting? Something that touches real lives?

When you work for ONiO, you join a team that’s on the vanguard of the next tech revolution. And what’s more, we’re one heck of a riot to roll with.



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