Product's Features
Family healthcare will never be the same.
Once you have access to more accurate information, at the right time, there will be so much more you can do to take care of your family.
The ONiO smart patch enables continuous measurement of fever in children and adults. A small sensor in an adhesive bandage attaches to your forehead or other part of the body. It’s safe for the body and environmentally-friendly.

The smart patch securely transmits encrypted health info wirelessly to the ONiO hub, which you view in the mobile app.
The app also offers extended features to register when and how much antipyretic drugs is administered, and record the general condition of the person using ONiO. The hub also collects useful environmental data that may help you care for your family, such as understanding how room temperature or humidity might be affecting the illness.
We set out to create a product that provides instant health knowledge when you need it most.
To help you understand your unique situation and how to care for your family, we developed three principles that inform everything we do.
1. Everyone should have confidence they’re doing what’s right for their family.

We live in a time where technology makes it easier than ever to have control over your own health. By providing health information that’s relevant, immediate and useful, ONiO makes your personal health situation and environment easy to monitor, understand and securely share with loved ones or doctors.

2. Everyone should have instant access to health knowledge that makes a difference.

ONiO puts useful health information in your hands, at the right time.
Everyone has a thermometer for measuring health, but knowing your temperature at a specific point in time provides limited information that can sometimes be misleading. While a traditional thermometer may confirm your suspicions that you or a loved one has a fever, it doesn’t provide valuable information that helps you make better decisions, such as: After treatment or medication, did the temperature go down quickly, slowly, or not at all?

3. Everyone should be able to easily, securely share their health info with trusted caretakers.

For most people, health is not something you talk about out loud or on social media.
It's a personal topic that you share with the people closest to you and to healthcare professionals you know and trust. ONiO supports your process of caregiving by combining your health info over time, including continuous temperature, with environmental factors that could influence your condition or treatment. It’s now possible to share real-time health information with doctors. As professionals in the healthcare industry, we know that nothing is more important and personal than health info – so we make sure your data is encrypted and secure, at all times.
Data that makes you feel better.
Creating useful health info that’s secure and easy to interpret is an important part of using ONiO.
Your health info with ONiO includes different types of measurements, including core body temperature, room temperature and air quality. This data allows you and your healthcare professionals to start to see patterns and understand new and better ways to care for your family. Over time, ONiO will become an important resource that brings you closer to your health, and your family. The health information collected in the app can be used by yourself, in conjunction with content on the ONiO, or with your healthcare providers, helping you monitor, evaluate and understand more about your health than you ever could before. Just as important, your information is always secure – we encrypt your data to ensure it’s yours and only yours.
Data also helps bring together people from around the world into communities focused built around unique health conditions. One day soon, you’ll be able to chat with and learn from others in similar health situations as yours, anonymously if you prefer. And, if you’d like, we can anonymously share your data with health care professionals, helping them discover new solutions that are beyond anything they can discover on their own.
The power of Continuous Temperature.
You may not be familiar with the benefits of Continuous Temperature yet. It’s a game changing technology, finally made simple, that you’ll soon welcome into your home.
It’s more reliable.
ONiO provides a more reliable reading than traditional body thermometers, and is less prone to errors.

It’s more useful.
Quickly see if temperature is going up or down, when, and how fast, so you can better evaluate fever.

It allows you to provide better care.
By monitoring Continuous Temperature, you can see if the fever responds to treatment or not.
It gives you more knowledge.
For the first time, you can know if a fever is getting worse or improving, and see how many hours a day you actually have a fever.

Knowing the changes in temperature over time increases the value of information beyond pure fever detection.
  • It answers more questions.
  • Is the fever increasing rapidly?
  • Did the antipyretics or antibiotics work, or have no effect?
  • Did the child have high fever throughout the night?
  • Did the fever just rise in the morning hours?
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